Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Facing the Temporary Taunts of Temptation -- Don’t Be Pulled In!

The devil led him up a high place, and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. So if you worship me, it will all be yours,” Jesus answered, “get thee behind me, Satan; for it is written, thou shall worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”  NIV (Luke 4:5-8)

We’re creatures of habit, prone to succumb to that which is pleasing to sight, soothing to touch, savoring to taste, and melodious to sound. All around us are reminders that carnal spirits are most acceptable when  they are so prevalent and pervasive. What we worship is what we serve. There’s a saying around my household when any family member is about to fall prey to an ill-advised act or wrong-doing, the first thing that comes out of the mouths of anyone in close proximity to the culprit would be, “don’t get pulled in!” The meaning of that statement is clear, but the deeper meaning is not to let the devil steer you into areas that are not Christ-like -- in other words, stay within the margins of goodness. 

In the scripture paraphrased above, we find Satan trying a tactic in a temptable scheme to get Jesus to denounce all that He created for the good of mankind. Imagine Jesus, after 40 full days of famine, fatigue and self-denial, facing the evil one before him with the audacity to be tempted! Satan’s attempt in my opinion is shallow and couldn’t hold up to Jesus’ original plan. Know that Satan is a master at making the things of this world look so grand, so beautiful to the eye, which is why we so readily fall for the deception and lies that this world presents. 

Don’t be pulled in! Resist being taken out of spiritual context for fleeting moments of bliss. When I read that scripture it reminds me of times in my adolescence the need to always go for, and accept the things that looked good in my eyesight no matter what prior warnings were given to me not to indulge. We’re gluttons for punishment when there’s no discipline keeping us out of harm’s way. The power that Satan wields is not to be ignored or taken for granted. He can give you illusions of grandeur in a heightened state of euphoria because he knows what’s pleasing to you -- a mountain top experience, if you will...just like what he attempted to do with Jesus. 

The key here is knowing that every spiritual vision comes from God. It’s best to approach every inspirational experience with due caution, especially those that offer you instant gratification. Not every mountain top experience is breath-taking -- in fact, it can take your breath away into thinking that status quo is the ultimate without going deeper. Satan can definitely offer you things of great value, albeit in a false sense of security. But can you tell the difference? The Lord Jesus has given us an example to follow when temptation comes. yes, do not be pulled in! Let’s resist the devil by imitating Jesus in constantly renewing our total commitment to God and God only!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Spiritual Growth Through Challenges and Change

It doesn't happen all at once…you become. It's not an overnight transition. The birth of a nation took time. The audacity for change is being challenged as you read this, but God has already ordained the process to bring needed results for this sin-sick society. The division among us has heightened, but timing and circumstances are destined for a collision course that will change your life and mine as well. Change being the by-product of time -- that ever evolving spectrum of space where we have no control, is inevitable and needed. True growth demands that you take on other Challenges as you step out of comfort zones to reinvent yourselves. You must believe that you are capable of becoming anything you’ll be depending on how you’re living. Thus, one should be aware that the potential to become much more than what is being manifested by outward appearances is par for the course and can be detrimental without deepening spiritual manifestation. Effective change starts with the mind and take positive steps for change, but to BELIEVE it you must THINK IT. Make appropriate adjustments without compromise!
You wasn't made to stand still, nor can you be rendered stagnant where your muse is not inherent; You are a vibrant spirit, destined to wander and roam to create that muse...and as you wonder, know too, that the friends and family that know and love you best wouldn't have it any other way -- the YOU that light up their lives! Endeavor to embrace the inevitable. Go with the changes that God has in store for you and count your blessings!

I’m reminded that meaningful change and sustained Growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experiencing new challenges to fuel new beginnings. Better rewards in life go to those that are risk takers! Are there things for which an uncompromising stand is worthwhile in your life? Challenge the status quo in your life to insure spiritual growth! 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

When Trials and Tribulation Refine Character

You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. NIV (Psalms 66:12)

What blessed assurance it is knowing that no matter how broken, battered and bashed we become there's much more than light at the end of a tunnel. There's a strange sense of competence when faith is your greatest weapon and that persevering against all odds is rewarded with breakthroughs and full baskets…but struggle is inevitable. We all face face swirls of strife when still waters suddenly rises forcing you to higher ground. I found out long ago that in each of your lives, in one way or another, you will face times when you must answer satan's charges and prove that even if you can't swim, He is still God! Early times of change and challenge sorely tried all that was in me. I learned with great trepidation that if you can remember where you started from while continuing to establish a rapport with God to honor and obey, great things can happen.  

Your character through storms usually do not lie. It will betray you if and when you're not armed adequately. This is when the evil one is most busiest! It reminds me also that God is our sole protector and no one else should come before Him when you seek nurturing. But let's look at struggle from a deeper perspective -- in order to really know and be appreciative of God's mercy and grace there must be faith initiatives to get to know him better. Establishing a relationship, keeping His Commandments and studying the Bible is par for this course. You will have to be broken to be made whole again. A brand new you will guarantee you that new lease on life you seek as you struggle to refine your character.

I must confess that I'm not all that I should be…that I err in the face of tempting vices that are carnal and contagious, but I know where I am and what's expected of me. It's all about a new and deeper wisdom, helping me discern truth from lies and giving me the necessary discipline to do what's right. Moreover, these trials helps me to realize that tomorrow isn't promised and that survival traits that are characteristic of finding peace in the storm shouldn't be taken for granted. What are your opinion on this subject…how are you coping with your stormy weather? Your comments are welcome!  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Case for Authority and Accountability

How accountable are you in standing up for, and enhancing in some aspect self, family and (your) community? I'm in awe of how God uses submissive attitudes to utilize even those who are not perfect, and others with ulterior motives not pleasing to Him. Perfect examples of this happened during the time of the Judges when the Israelites lost their spiritual commitment (again!) and motivation; where you had leaders misleading and missing opportunities for accountability-- an assassin, a sexually promiscuous man, even a person who broke all the rules and laws of hospitality. Look them up! But in the end they eventually became submissive to God, and He used them.

After saying all of that, He certainly can use you! Authoritative value rests with all of us to validate whatever it takes to claim victories, step up in all phases of our lives. This, despite the fact that repossessions, foreclosures and defauls are common in these trying times. You may have missed lessons, ignored blessings, or denied truth of where you are in life…you may have been just sitting around afraid to make another move because you're afraid to fail again, or have experienced bouts of impatience, doubt and regret. But guess what?

Accountability and authority is nothing for God not to make right in you, especially for men who should have an increased sense that our actions make a difference as sons, fathers, husbands, uncles, lovers and friends...it is the understanding of ourselves that makes it possible to fulfill potential for growth and to be Dominion over our families. It's about keeping our eyes open, our ears closer to the ground and our nose deeply in the Book!  My prayer is your prayer, where we individually and collectively can devote ourselves to the art and science of persevering… of endeavoring to see life as a function of spiritual truth. Remind yourself that you won't fail again without being accountable for keeping straight on point. For you are blessed still and supported by life, which knows that your success is assured!

For a related article written on this subject check out 'Adam Where Art Thou'?  http://authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=8887&id=20800

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Miracles for the Master

   Recently one of the students I mentor asked me did I believe in miracles. For a moment I stood spellbound because at the age of twelve, I too, once hedged on the belief whether miracles actually existed...and here it is more than 40 years later I’m faced with dealing with a subject that I’ve since learned more about. I sat the youngster down and we had an earnest heart to heart talk about it. I first had to define the word ‘miracle’ to him in a way where it would be understood without adding exaggeration to truth. After talking to my young charge, I asked myself -- did I really give him the right defination of how I interpret miracles? It only made me more inquisitive and prone for more research. Just what IS a miracle? Do the average person really believe that miracles are apropos...and most notably, does the adage that ‘God works in mysterious ways’ are akin to the essence of miracles in its simplest form?  

    According to some people, a sudden stroke of good luck for something deemed unattainable, mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets, or a newborn baby is a miracle. While all of the aforementioned are unquestionably marvelous in context, they in my opinion are not relative to miracles in the true definition of the word. To wit: Let’s look at it academically per what the dictionary defines a miracle as. It specifies a miracle as “an extraordinary occurrence that surpasses all known human powers or natural forces and is ascribed to a divine or supernatural cause.” WOW! Can this be refuted? Believe or not, there are some who still feel that miracles doesn’t exist at all. The purpose of this short soliloquy is to show the legitimacy of Jesus’ miracles and the evidence of his Messiahship and divine authority over people, nature, and even death itself. He informed his disciples that they would do greater signs and 'miraculous' things than they had seen Him do (John 14:12).

   New Jerusalem is not further away today than when Jesus walked among us. There’s no shorter distance to His Divinity, nor is He less willing to take notice to our human necessities than He did 2000 years ago when He administered to a woman at a well, a rejected leper, or a desperate mourner. To that effect, the requirements on us are less today than it was to those in the past. It’s essential that we remain faithful, live quality lives, and be willing to tell others of the Good News. The flip of this rests on the principle that miracles are always timely for a purpose, but should not be seen as a cure-all for apostasy and anything else reverent to doing all things righteous. God’s provision is never given in order to let us rest upon it. Why is this you may ask? Because we need to depend on Him as each new trial and tribulation manifests. After all, Satan performs miracles too and known to usurp God’s people leading them astray.

    In closing, I’m a firm believer that the Bible is authentic in how Jesus walked and in what manner He made His presence known. Moreover, we live in a fallen world where seeing is not always believing and where effective change is not always rewarded with a habitual sense of logic for truth. Therefore, there has to be something that would allow deductive reasoning and common sense for people to see things in a different light. If God took all things relative to dependency on Him for faith, suffering or any other reason for difference, we would follow Him for comfort and convenience and not out of love and devotion. In this analogy, miracles and the parables He evoked throughout, were done to illustrate just how much of a Light He was for illuminating value. Check them out for yourself. Of the thirty-five recorded miracles of Jesus, twenty-three were of healing; three times there were those to raise the dead; twice there was a miracle of a large catch of fish; and on four other occasions He: 1) stilled storms; 2) walked on water; 3) cursed a fig tree; and, 4) provided temple tax money. What more is needed to give acknowledgeable presence of miracles! But people often are oblivious of Providence. When you rid yourself of stubbornness, look closer...you may be surprised by abundant evidence of God’s work, and loving intervention in your life. Miracles happen all the time, but we must make the Word of God be the basis of our faith!