Perfect examples to illustrate the aforementioned are the three Hebrew boys who proved to be ten times better than what Nebbacanezer would produce in Babylon; the woman at the well was much more than a Good Samaritan once Jesus exposed that which should be seen by us; he who came by night, Nicodemus, sought the truth and was given better light in what it would take to be saved; even Peter and Paul according to Theologian and author Tony Evans said that, “the crowd took notice of them as they stood out, not because of their education or position in society, but because they were reflecting Christ.” Each one of them could have walked or have been seen with a candle in hand and the light of Jesus could have been seen through them. Can anything be more revealing than when He make it plain so all to see how ordinary people can become extraordinary in Christian principle? Candles are like this and they have many different contemplative connotations.
They represent God’s everlasting stamina where flames are constant and consistent in all things spiritual and inspirational. A good flame does not flicker nor is it fleeting when it comes to being seen in the right light. I’m sure that God didn’t intend for candles to be so insignificant that they couldn’t give us light which can represent connections between spirit and matter. This is where the Biblical examples given above means so much. To some people it may mean that they burn brightly with hopes that something is destined to be what they’ve aspired for...or perhaps it could bode ill-will if the flames flicker uncontrollably. Watching a candle burning quietly and steadily is a sign of peace of mind, contemplation and desire to look within. If the flame of a candle goes off, you may be informed about the illness or a death of a relative or somebody close to you. It also could mean the end of a close friendship or relationship. In another sense, a candle is a phallic symbol and could mean a flame of passion burning inside you in a carnal way, which is not of God. Then seeing a candle in the dream or realistic way could symbolize your desire for more understanding and enlightenment, or wisdom. The key is being able to see the bigger picture and not be influenced by surface matter.
For me, candles go a bit deeper. They are symbols of intimacy, serenity and spiritual hope. I use them in my continual attempts to allow them to be beacons to lure the children...to teach them with internal light. My overall intent is to help light the world, even if it means one candle at a time! God has placed me in the right place at the right time for the right purpose such as this. I cannot do it without studying His Word and applying it to measures in gauging my intent. I want them to shine through me as God directs my paths, and for me to symbolize where guiding light should shine brightest. Burn bright the candles, for they shall be the way to eternal joy because we will see clearly where hope is not just a flicker but a foundation. In my mind, a lit candle suggests that there are seeking comfort and some sort of spiritual enlightenment relative to living life to the fullest. On the other hand an unlit candle suggests that you may be feeling rejection and disappointment, or can't see anything positive or effective "light" in a situation, or in yourself.
This is the time to find and manifest illuminated light. I find it when there are dark shadows and black holes in my mind. I step out with confidence when I know where I’m going. My life should exemplify candles of hope...I want God to manifest in everything I write, including my essays, literary orientations I distribute, the stories I share, and the books I write. They are illuminations for anyone to know that there’s messages in how He guides my hand for ink to flow indelibly. I don’t want to get old and die as I watch my candle burn down to nothing, nor do I want my dreams deferred where candles are cast to the wind. Imagine the whole world praising His name and making their elections and callings surest with the gift of light! It’s all about righteous apples and all of the other spiritual gems for that quality of life to be visible when candles are placed purposely to light the world -- each to their own illuminating purpose. Now go light your own candles!