2 Peter 2:19 (NIV)

We further see Paul, the imprisoned apostle not worrying about his condition. He doesn't compromise and doesn't worry about if he'll ever get out…and we all know that in that dungeon he was beaten, lied about, tossed every which way but right, and totallg neglected. His chains never come off. The Roman guards never left. But what does that tells us? Are we REALLY free? I bring to you the status of Paul because despite it all, he stayed true to his beliefs, and knew that God would deliver him -- because he believed! We too, should be like this, knowing that freedom is precious…a commodity not to be taken for granted. Worldly compulsions and pressures for conformity stifle our creativity and erode our dignity. As we grow in our relationship to our Higher Power, we get stronger and more balanced in our unique qualities. Albeit, some of us have a talent for empathizing with others, some for writing and other facets of the humanities, but if there is no recipe that prescribes exactly what kind of faith we should exhibit, then what price freedom?
I've always felt that freedom means the right to be different, the right to be oneself, and of course the right to live a life of quality doing the right thing. Reading what Paul went through and the consequences of being deprived of freedom, I've come to believe wholeheartedly that nobody can really give you freedom but yourself…if you are a person of convictions you take it! Claim the right to serve one Master. Real emancipation can't come at someone else's initiative or as a gift. It can only begin from within -- deep in your soul. You will do so by saying, "I will take my independence and not be burdened by the weight of sin." Then we will become responsible people because we own it on the inside. I'm not perfect, but I'm striving to be rid of what's holding me back. My prayer will resolve around not waiting for others to set me free, though. I will do what is within my own power to be free…thus, I am grateful for the need to be uniquely and fully myself! Will you think on this?
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